Tag: support

  • Fearlessly Vulnerable

    Letting go of fear is much more difficult than the words alone. Fear can squeeze into all different corners such as fear of rejection, fear of being abandoned, fear of letting someone down, and fear of heights. In many cases, some about of fear is healthy, because it helps keep us safe. When fear becomes…

  • Be Authentically You

    Something I wish someone would have talked to me about when I was younger is changing yourself. It is hard enough not to fall prey to peer pressure and let’s add family pressure to that. In either case, there’s always someone who wants something from you. Changing to fit in in the short term could…

  • The Impact of Trauma on Safety and Healing

    In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, safety is the most important. Safety refers to both the physical and emotional safety of a person. When someone goes through trauma, their safety is shattered. The threat of life and death along with the broken emotional safety, is in both that moment and the aftermath of the event. Of…

  • Trauma: Seeking help for PTSD

    Trauma comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. There is no one standard for what a traumatic event is for everyone. People are all different and have different points of view on any given situation. There might be something that one person finds traumatic such as being in a car accident whereas for someone…

  • Becoming Your Own Advocate

    People learn to trust whatever their doctor tells them. I’m not saying there are no trustworthy doctors, but it makes it hard for the more complex cases. This hardship comes in when realizing that you have to be your own advocate. It breaks the enchantment that thinking that this one specialist or doctor knows all,…

  • To the Little Girl Hiding in the Corner

    Come away from the corner and sit with me for a while. I know you may not know who I am. I have known you my whole life. We will sit here and we can just talk, play a game, or I can just hold you. I know being trapped is scary especially when in…

  • To a True Badass

    Big hugs. There’s so much I would love to share with you. Unfortunately there is only so much one can put in a letter from the future. I definitely don’t want to risk breaking the space-time continuum. This year has been really hard, and I know it felt like constantly getting kicked when you’re already…