Category: Uncategorized

  • Fearlessly Vulnerable

    Letting go of fear is much more difficult than the words alone. Fear can squeeze into all different corners such as fear of rejection, fear of being abandoned, fear of letting someone down, and fear of heights. In many cases, some about of fear is healthy, because it helps keep us safe. When fear becomes…

  • Be Authentically You

    Something I wish someone would have talked to me about when I was younger is changing yourself. It is hard enough not to fall prey to peer pressure and let’s add family pressure to that. In either case, there’s always someone who wants something from you. Changing to fit in in the short term could…

  • First Steps

    I feel unsure and apprehensive when starting something new. The fear of failure can be overwhelming, but it’s important to me to persevere and keep trying. Starting my blog is like taking my first steps – it requires trust in myself and in others. Although the risk of falling is present, the potential reward of…