Fearlessly Vulnerable

Letting go of fear is much more difficult than the words alone. Fear can squeeze into all different corners such as fear of rejection, fear of being abandoned, fear of letting someone down, and fear of heights. In many cases, some about of fear is healthy, because it helps keep us safe. When fear becomes too overwhelming or reaches outside of our tolerance whether it is consciously known or not, it becomes a problem. In these situations, fear slips into all different parts of our lives. The impact is quite often seen in your interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationships include your relationships with friends, family, coworkers, or significant other.

To let go of this fear is often overwhelming and scary because it makes you very vulnerable. The vulnerability is scary to deal with because this can be the determination of being accepted for who you are or not. The idea to just let go of fear sounds amazing. I don’t know many people who would be against that idea until it came down to truly letting go. Oftentimes that process of letting go is very emotional which is a whole different part of letting go of fear. This part brings in how you internalize your thoughts around whatever the fear may be. Our internal narrative can completely freeze us in our tracks. But it has the potential to be positively motivating and to give grace to ourselves.

For anyone who is looking to let go of fear, I would recommend starting small, and even if the experience seems like a disaster, think of at least 2 good things about yourself out of that experience such as you are amazing for even thinking of trying to let go of fear, and I’m proud of myself for working on letting go of fear.






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